This polish is from last year's Essence Eclipse collection inspired by Twilight saga.
I'm not much of a fan, but I had to have this polish. I usually dig dark colors and this is dark, blackish base with purple glitter. I wish only that there were more glitter, but I love it anyway.
Also, the glitter is very hard to capture on photos, so it's visible only on the roots of nails, but it's quite visible in person. It makes polish look like very dark violet, black only in poor light.
I gave this polish few opportunities, but every time I put it on, I have chippings only few hours after that. Second day I either have to remove it or use my old trick: put this BM pattern on tips to hide chippings (it works every time if I don't have time to do all mani from beginning).
So, Undead? is great color, but poor quality, to what we're not used from Essence.
Meni se taj Undead? skroz svidja, vidjela sam kod par cura na Blog prodajama da ih prodaju pa me zanima jel ga se isplati kupit, tj. jel dolaze uopce ikad do izrazaja te sljokice unutra? Ili je kao svaki obicni crni lak?
ReplyDeleteNije kao obični crni lak, meni je baš poseban, iako na ovim slikama možda izgleda obično.
ReplyDeletePod boljim svjetlom i na suncu šljoke se stvarno lijepo vide...
jedina mana je trajnost
o kako bih ga rado gledala na svojim noktima :-(
ReplyDeletemeni fantastično izgleda, oprostila bih mu i brzo habanje :-D
Ma trajnost me ne sekira uopce, jer nakon dva dana ionako skidam lak i stavljam drugi...Totalno mi se svidja :))) Mozda ga onda i nabavim jer dolaze suncaniji dani :)