Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

March 12, 2011

Astor Mikado 06

I finally got my camera back!
And since it's so sunny out there, here's a cheerful spring-summer manicure with this underestimated polish: Astor Mikado in color 06 (I just hate when they don't have names, don't you?)
My nails are short and unpretty, but check out the color! (in love)

It's a pale blue color and from small distance it's visible that it has fine micro shimmer in great density. If it was just a bit lighter it would be similar to Chanel Riva.

I played with some of my stamping plates, in search of sea motives and this is what I got.

Is it too much? :)



  1. This is adorable! I don't think it's too much at all. I love it :)

  2. I kratki nokti su ti baš fini! <3 I manikura je baš super, nije previše. :)

  3. super manikurica, sviđa mi se :-)
    i šta fali kratkim noktićima?

  4. Hvala svima!

    Ma ja počnem nekontrolirano sliniti kad vidim duge lijepe noktiće poput ovih:

    I onda sam malo tužna jer znam da moji nikad neće biti takvi :(

    Tanki su poput papira, ako nemam tri sloja laka, savijem ih na pola bez problema...

  5. super kombinacija za nekakvu ljetnu vecer :)

  6. Odlični su noktići.. predivna mi je ova svijetlo plava :)
