Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

February 1, 2011

Essence The one and only + BM stamping

I wanted to do something special for the occasion last week so this is what I did:

And a 'sunny' picture:

Anyway, I'm not satisfied.. Anytime I try to do something special it turns out pale and unoriginal...
This was two coats of The one and only (the worst polish to apply from Essence) plus Bundle Monster image for the whole nail. But when it was finished I still wasn't happy with it so I added shiny top coat that has micro glitter in many colors and it made a strange effect on the manicure, it was cold purple from one corner and warmer pinky-purple from another.

That's it from me, I have no inspiration lately, things are going pretty bad at college and I'm studying all the time so I'm half-crazy.



  1. baš sam htjela reći da nema teorije da je to the one and only jer se previše sjaji... a onda sam došla do kraja posta :-)
    ma meni se ova manikura sviđa :-)
    ajde bude bolje, drži se!

  2. pa ne izgleda to tako lose sve skupa, a s faksom puno puno srece da sve sto bolje ispadne

  3. I meni ne zgleda loše, baš super, ja bi to odma nosila na noktima. :) I puno sreče!
