Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

January 30, 2011

Essence I Love Berlin I'm a Berliner

First of all: I must apologize for lack of posts last week, but lots of things happened, some bad, some good, but took me some time to get together.

Now on to the photos!
Some time ago I saw this photo Green apple and since than I've been wanting that polish, but now Essence, as always, got us a cheaper, but not less of a quality, great nail polish in Granny-Smith-Apple-color.
Here it is:

I adore this polish!!
Application was wonderful, pigmentation so good that it could have gotten away with only one coat!
Here are more pics:

Would you buy it too, or you think the color is hideous, like my mother does?



  1. joj, sto mi radis zeno... :D

    ovaj je lak tako krasan, a nisam ga uzela jer mi je izgledao bljakavo u bocici.
    a sad ga zelim :D

    jos samo fali da mi se i onaj rozi svidi pa cu imat cijelu kolekciju :D

    inace, super nokti :thumbsup:

  2. Wow,that color is gorgeous!Hit color for spring in my book :)

  3. @Abigail: meni je također bolji na noktima nego u bočici, a ovaj swatch je prilično realan, realniji nego neki drugi koje sam našla na netu, pa ako ti se sviđa: navali! A mislim da 14 kn stvarno nije puno i ne trebaš uopće razmišljati...

    @Mimi: Yup, I agree! But I wear it even though it's minus three degrees celsius outside ;)

  4. uf ja cu stat na stranu tvoje majke, nikako ne volim zelenu boju, al mi se svidjaju fotke s jabukom

  5. super fotke... sviđa mi se lak, sad mogu žaliti što ga nisam uhvatila... ali da samo znaš kako bih rado zabila zube u tu jabuku :-D

  6. Lak ti super stoji <3 Obozavam zelenu boju :D

  7. great pics and the colour suits you very well!!
