Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

December 14, 2010

Vollare Flash + BM flowers

Like I said in a post few days ago: I love to have many colors of nail polishes, but my low-student-budget doesn't allow me to buy all those fancy collections that I see on ebay. Although my heart goes wild from time to time and I buy something that's out of my range (shipping to Croatia drives me mad, for a polish woth 2.5 $, shipping is at least 3$).

But more often I go to a farmacy or a drugstore and buy mini polishes. New Age are my favourite, and Vollare is on the second place.
Today I have a hippy manicure (lately I don't really act like winter is on the door) with vivid jelly orange Vollare Flash that showed my nail line even after three coats, so I added Bundle Monster flowers to cover it.

Flash Nail Polish:

Left hand:

 Right hand:

And a close.up:

For stamping I used Astor nail polish in dark navy blue with shimmer that is awesome, and I'm planning to show it to you soon!



  1. Ček malo. šta je tu pečat.. cvijetići ili ovo oko njih? Čini mi se da ovo oko njih, ali daj ti to potvrdi.

    Super izgleda.

  2. Ovo oko cvjetića: plavi lak. Meni je to isto malo čudno, bolje da su samo cvjetiće stavili pa bi bilo lakše 2 pečata sastaviti na većem noktu...

  3. odlično izgleda, samo šteta to su te bm pločice jako male

  4. super!!! i na ovako malom uzorku se u tom plavcu vidi shimmer :-)
