Blog about nails, manicures, nail polishes, stamping, etc., but also about other things that make my life rich

November 26, 2010

Essence Metallics

It's a bit late for this post, since new Essence collection is already in stores, but never the less:
Essence Metallics collection: Iron Goddess.

I find this polish perfect since it's a manicure in only one layer, done in about 5 minutes, and classy enough to go anywhere. Of course, that's after you find the perfect magnet. The one that Essence sells is wasted money, since it's too weak to make the pattern. I tried with every single magnet from my fridge, and some of them were quite good. This one on the photos is my favourite. It leaves only two or tree large stripes depend on how long the nail is and when done gives the feeling of 3D on the nail.

I bought Iron Goddess and Nothing else metals and love them both!



  1. meni uopce nije do tih uzoraka, ja sam najodusevljenija cinjenicom da je dosta jedan premaz i da su ful brzo suhi :)

  2. I love the last photo! It looks really hot. <3

  3. Ne kužim kako ti magnetić od essence ne radi,meni je radio bolje nego ovi s frižidera

  4. Možda su različite jačine, a možda je kod mog došlo do greške u proizvodnji. ali nisam jedina koja je to primijetila, i ostale cure se žale da je slab...

    Gejba, thanks!

  5. Onda sam ja sa svojim magnetićem baš imala sreće :-)
    Ali u svakom slučaju noktići krasno izgledaju!

  6. Odlično izgleda :)

    Ja sam kupila 2 laka ali sam ih još nisam probala.. po komentarima cura da Essence magnet ne valja nisam ga ni kupovala.. pun mi frižider magneta.. valjda će neki valjat..
